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Location-based Services

Location-based Services

Unlock the transformative potential of location-specific services to redefine your customer engagement and connectivity strategies.

Location-based Services

Craft hyper-personalised campaigns with Tanla's location-based precision. Utilise our sophisticated location-based triggers, PIN code and radius filters, along with cutting-edge geofencing and proximity technologies, to engage with the most relevant and responsive audience for each of your campaigns.

Laser-targeted campaigns, powered by location intelligence.

The pivotal advantages of location-based technologies


Tailor communications to your audience's precise location, delivering a relevant and engaging experience that resonates on a personal level.

Business professional comfortable with technology. Phone in hand.

Enhanced user engagement

Captivate your audience with location-based triggers and notifications, creating immersive and context-aware experiences to cultivate loyalty.

Business professional, comfortable with technology. Checking business reports

Real-time insights

Access real-time location data to make informed decisions and optimise operations, while responding swiftly to emerging trends and customer demands.

Business professionals, comfortable with technology. Working on laptop

Resource optimisation

Maximise marketing efficiency by focusing on high-value, geographically relevant audience segments, ensuring optimal resource allocation and increased ROI.

Business professional, comfortable with technology. Phone in hand


Tailor communications to your audience's precise location, delivering a relevant and engaging experience that resonates on a personal level.

Business professional, comfortable with technology. Phone in hand

Enhanced user engagement

Captivate your audience with location-based triggers and notifications, creating immersive and context-aware experiences to cultivate loyalty.

Business professional, comfortable with technology. Working on laptop

Real-time insights

Access real-time location data to make informed decisions and optimise operations, while responding swiftly to emerging trends and customer demands.

Business professionals, comfortable with technology. Working on laptop

Resource optimisation

Maximise marketing efficiency by focusing on high-value, geographically relevant audience segments, ensuring optimal resource allocation and increased ROI.

Secure & intelligent location capabilities


Target customers accurately within a specific distance of a specific location for precise campaign reach.

PIN code-based Filters

Engage with users in selected PIN codes for tailored, high-impact local audience interaction.

API Integration

Seamlessly embed location-based services in existing systems for a unified and efficient user experience

Data Security

Ensure compliance with data protection regulations by maintaining highest standards of protection for user location data.

AI/ML-based Location Analytics

Utilise AI and Machine Learning for in-depth insights into user location behaviour and trends.

Geographic Boundary Creation

Define precise campaign boundaries, be it a whole or parts of a city, state, country, or custom-drawn maps.

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Business professionals, comfortable with technology. Phone in hand